Starting a Family

Life Planning › Starting a Family

Starting a Family

Your family is growing.
What about your savings?

Planning an addition to your family? This workbook will give you some helpful information and steps to follow to prepare you for what’s to come.

Nathan and Amanda share how they prepared for the arrival of their new child.

The Cost of Baby’s First Year

It’s a good idea to consider what additional expenses lay ahead during a time when your income may be reduced because of parental leave.

Parental Leave Calculator

Ready or not, being on parental leave will change how much money you’ll be making.

Baby Budget

With a new addition to the family and changes in your monthly income, your budget should reflect all the new costs associated with taking care of your baby.

Save For Their Future

While some parents are most interested in providing for their baby’s immediate needs, it’s also important to start thinking about your child’s future.