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TD Special Offer GICs

Earn a higher rate than traditional GICs while maintaining all the safety and security you expect.

How to Apply

Visit any TD Canada Trust Branch
or call 1-866-222-3456

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Earn a higher rate than traditional GICs and Term Deposits while maintaining all the safety and security you expect. These GICs feature attractive interest rates but are available for a limited time. They are offered in a variety of terms to maturity and account types (non-registered, RSP and TFSA).

For your convenience, TD Special Offer GICs renew automatically at the end of the term into a Guaranteed Investment Certificate or Term Deposit whose features are determined at the time of your initial investment so that you don't miss a day of interest.

What are the benefits of TD Special Offer GICs?

Safety and security

Your original investment and interest payments are guaranteed.

Competitive interest rates

These rates are guaranteed for the term of your investment.

Eligible for non-registered and registered investment plans

TD Special Offer GICs are available in non-registered and registered accounts (RSP, RESP, RIF and TFSA).

Please note that the 100 Day TD Special Offer GIC is not offered within an RESP or RIF. TD Special Offer GICs are not transferable to another account.

Explore your Special Offer GIC options today

Visit any TD Canada Trust Branch

Call 1-866-222-3456 to discuss your options

If you have an account with TD Canada Trust you can apply now.

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TD Canada Trust helps you find the right GIC
for every savings goal

Special Offer GICs feature attractive interest rates but will only be available for limited time periods.

If you're building your rainy day fund, saving for a home or other special purchase, or adding to your retirement nest egg, there's a TD Special Offer GIC that may be right for you.

What types of TD Special Offer GICs are available?

TD Special Offer GICs – Cashable

Improved Auto Renewal Features – The 100 Day TD Special Offer GIC will automatically renew into another 100 Day TD Special Offer GIC so that you don’t miss a day of interest.

* Please note that the 100 Day TD Special Offer GIC is not offered within an RESP or RIF.

Collapse GIC Details

100 Day TD Special Offer GIC*

Rates for Non-registered and TFSA Rates for RSP

Non-registered and TFSA

Term: 100 Days
Investment minimum: $1,000


  • Cashable in full or in part after 30 days, interest paid at prescribed early cashing rate
  • Minimum withdrawal amount of $1,000 and minimum remaining balance of $1,000

Interest Payment Options:

  • Simple interest1 calculated on principal amount for the number of days in the term and paid at maturity

Auto Renewal Feature:

  • Renew Principal and Interest to 100 Day TD Special Offer GIC at the interest rate in effect for the renewed investment on the date of renewal


Term: 100 Days
Investment minimum: $500


  • Cashable in full or in part after 30 days, interest paid at prescribed early cashing rate
  • Minimum withdrawal amount of $500 and minimum remaining balance of $500

Interest Payment Options:

  • Simple interest1 calculated on principal amount for the number of days in the term and paid at maturity

Auto Renewal Feature:

  • Renew Principal and Interest to 100 Day TD Special Offer GIC at the interest rate in effect for the renewed investment on the date of renewal

1 Interest is calculated only on the original principal and not on the sum of the principal plus accrued interest.

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TD Special Offer GICs – Non-Cashable

New and Improved Auto Renewal Features – Non-cashable TD Special Offer GICs automatically renew into another TD Special Offer GIC of the same term to maturity so that you don’t miss a day of interest.

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TD 3 Year Premium Rate Cashable GIC

This investment features a 3 year term. You have the security of knowing your rate is guaranteed for 3 years, but, should you change your investment goals or require access to funds, you can cash in your TD 3 Year Premium Rate Cashable GIC at any time subject to the tiered pre-encashment rates and to a minimum redemption amount and minimum remaining balance . For your convenience, the TD 3 Year Premium Rate Cashable GIC will automatically renew principal only at maturity into a TD 1 Year Cashable GIC , ensuring that you don't miss a day of interest.

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Premium Rate Business GIC

The Premium Rate Business GIC is available to Small Business Banking/Commercial Banking customers only. This GIC features a premium interest rate and is exclusively for Small Business Banking customers who are willing to lock in their funds for 90 days. You can be confident that you will always get a premium rate of interest so you can focus on running your business and spend less time worrying about interest rates.

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Explore your Special Offer GIC options today

Visit any TD Canada Trust Branch

Call 1-866-222-3456 to discuss your options

If you have an account with TD Canada Trust you can apply now.

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Have a few questions?

We've provided answers to some of the most common questions people have about GICs and Term Deposits.

Collapse Can I cash out early?

Yes, cashable GICs and Term Deposits may be cashed-in early, in full or in part, subject to certain terms and conditions.

Expand How are my earnings taxed?

Earnings in GICs and Term Deposits held in a registered plan, such as RSPs are tax-deferred and tax-free when held in a TFSA. Earnings received on non-registered GICs and Term Deposits will be taxed as interest income in the year in which it is earned. A T5 is issued after maturity.

Expand Why are some products called GICs and others called Term Deposits?

Term Deposits and GICs both offer secured investments with guaranteed returns. The main difference is in the duration of the investment. Term Deposits tend to have a shorter investment period of one year or less, while GICs can be locked-in for longer periods of time, up to 5 years.

Expand Can I buy GICs in registered accounts?

Yes, GICs can be purchased within both non-registered or registered accounts, such as RSPs and TFSAs.