InvestingRIF-Retirement Income Options › Annual Minimum Payment Schedule

Annual Minimum Payment Schedule

The federal government requires that holders of retirement income funds withdraw a minimum amount of retirement income from their RIFs each year, according to the following schedule:

Your age — or your spouse's (the choice is yours)1 Annual minimum withdrawal %2
55 2.86
56 2.94
57 3.03
58 3.13
59 3.23
60 3.33
61 3.45
62 3.57
63 3.70
64 3.85
65 4.00
66 4.17
67 4.35
68 4.55
69 4.76
70 5.00
71 5.28
72 5.40
73 5.53
74 5.67
Your age — or your spouse's (the choice is yours)1 Annual minimum withdrawal %2
75 5.82
76 5.98
77 6.17
78 6.36
79 6.58
80 6.82
81 7.08
82 7.38
83 7.71
84 8.08
85 8.51
86 8.99
87 9.55
88 10.21
89 10.99
90 11.92
91 13.06
92 14.49
93 16.34
94 18.79
95+ 20.00
1For customers under 71 years of age, Annual Minimum Payment for non-qualifying RIF is calculated as follows: