Paying rent or reimbursing a friend? Use Interac e-Transfer to send money anytime, anywhere in Canada.

Expand Quick & convenient

Clock: Interac e-transfer is quick

You can send an Interac e-Transfer 24/7 through EasyWeb or the TD app1. You will need the email address of the recipient and to make sure they have a bank account at a participating Canadian financial institution.2

Expand Made for life on the go

TD mobile app: use it for an online money transfer

Away from your computer? You can also send money using the TD app whether you’re out with friends or at the coffee shop.

Expand Safe & secure

When you send an Interac e-Transfer, the recipient will receive an email notification asking them to log into their online banking and answer the security question you've provided in order to accept the funds.

Discover how easy and convenient using Interac e-Transfer can be

Start sending in four
easy steps.


Login to the TD app and select Send Money from the main page. If you haven’t registered for EasyWeb yet, you’ll have to do that first.


Add a recipient easily by selecting a new recipient from your smartphone contact list. Alternately, you can simply enter a new recipient's name and email address. To finish, create a security question and answer, and review.


Select the account you wish to transfer funds from, the recipient you are sending to, and the amount to transfer.5


Once you confirm all details, hit Send Money. You will receive an email notification once the money has been deposited.